Tuesday, February 19, 2008

My fiscus and I...

Realized the other day how much my fiscus and my relationships have in common:

- When I bought it I thought it was lush, beautiful and full of potential for growth
- After a month it lost a few leaves, this seemed natural given the transition indoors
- more lost leaves; take a look to see if there was a problem, hoped for the best, carry on, plants are fussy.
- More leaves drop - now I analyze; too much light? not enough? water? food? arg.
- Still hope it will revive on it's own time, but don't work too hard to figure it out
- As leaves continue to fall, I start to feel worse each time I look at it.
- I know something is wrong, but have no idea how to fix it. Friends/family offer much general advice, mostly, don't "overwater".
- But I think there's not enough water because I've been too afraid all along of overwatering it! arg,arg.
- hit a wall, depressed it's possibly dying, get mad and shake the rest of the leaves off. fuck off then!
- move the plant out of sight, thoughts of throwing in out cross my mind
- one day, someones asks if it at least has new leaves growing? WHAT???? It never even occured to me look.
- New leaves are sprouting for a few months now
- incredible feeling of relief, hope and confidence
- looking forward to seeing the 'new' fiscus

is it possible I'm actually a getting a green thumb? :-)

Monday, February 18, 2008

One Liners

[Creatively speaking]

HEMA online

And The Breakup is still so good...]

The Poisonwood Bible

Miami ! Photos to follow...

[Up Next]
Cuba Art et Histoire

Had another fun Friday at Holder with good service and wine to boot. Nice reasonable bill at the end of the night too, it's a keeper!

Saturday, February 2, 2008

For your viewing pleasure

I have a great local video store; their 'indie'/quebec/foreign section is impressive, and, they have a section devoted to requested of top, often hard to find films that both customers and staff have asked for.

Here's a few of late that are great for that Saturday morning on the couch:
Bluff, Durs à Cuire, Reprise

On War...
Went to see Persepolis last week - storytelling at it's best, simple graphics, insightful, touching and funny.

At this year's Wildside festival, saw an incredible one-man performance revolving around the end of WWII, "and stockings for the ladies". Acting by Brendan Howlett was incredibly fluid and complex at the same time - immediately drawn in to the 10 characters (at least) he 'plays', supported by great writing...look forward to what's next.