Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Buying time

Recently bought a whole lot of time. It's working out well, things are getting done, seen, heard, built and thought about.

Here are a few things that time recently afforded:

The Birthhouse - Amy Mackay

Very different, but equally good stories:

Kind of a funny story
Happy Tears

[Yum via Toronto]
Attempted to keep it light by eating at Fressen (disappointing) and Rawliscious (try the pad thai and a dessert)

[Last Heard]
Black Keys - Brothers
Ray La Montagne
Pierre Lapointe

Havana and NYC up next, for music, art and relaxation

Friday, March 4, 2011

Own People's Art

Went to the preview night of this year's Art Project Toronto last night, over 200 artists at the exhibition place. Nicely organized with specific sections highlighting emerging artists, the "lemon" competition where all artists could contribute a themed piece (sponsored by a vodka company hence the citrus) and an "installation alley" with sculture, conceptual art and of course, installations.

I finally got to meet Zane Turner who's work I've followed for the last 4 years - a personal pleasure, he's awesome, check it out.

Here are some of the other artists that made me pause:

Laurie Kang

Peter Lee

James Melcher

Anne Renouf

So Yeon Michelle Kim

Kate Tarini

Daniel Bombardier

Matthew Sweig

Ozant Kamaci

Jessica Thalmann
